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Does someone know how to get the 8th lexi event? The one after the women goes to the office

Yall let me know when the gallery is finished!

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I am really into your game and I was wondering are there going to be more content for Angela expiration club

Unfortunately there's no more content planned for them at the moment. 

ok 👍

I hope there will be but i will still play the game because it is still fun👍

you guys know how to save everyone from the ruins spoiler alert

never mind, I figured it out

Can you tell me how to do it? I'm still stuck on that side quest.

if you're playing as emma talk to taylor the pattern should be center left center right left


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Cool update DL but can next 3rd boss not have a move&dodge battle phase? The last boss nearly made me lose do to playing a touch version on my phone. I can’t dodge all attacks when my finger is on screen 80% of the time. So can we have something else?


i wanna say that overall its a great game but there are a couple issues that i wanna talk about, one is that victoria continues to take over emma every week which i feel should be reduced to 2 or 4 weeks rather than her doing it every week and the other is that i believe the fragmentation is filling up faster than the money i'm able to collect so if maybe the cost to reduce the fragmentation could be reduced or maybe the amount that is reduced could be increased a little, or maybe we could continue to get money from the company even after completing the events cause i seem to be spending all on just the fragmentation with none left for other equipment.

i wanna say again that it really is a great game, this are just some thoughts that i had during my time playing it

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I kinda agree but also since the new update we now have a new way of getting more money! You can get it after the 2nd dungeon!

yeah i know about that but in that also you stop getting the money after you through all the lexi events.

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😐 😤 (damn it DL…)


😂 i understand the pain bro

Anyone know how to get the lexi event ? I really need help cause i wander all the place in map but can find any clue.

at evening you have to go to the subway where you will find a notice at the wall which you have to interact with then later you go back to the subway on wednesday evening to get to the company where you will unlock the event. make sure to go to the company every evening to unlock all lexi related events

So this game has potental but I'm already paying so many other creators that I shouldn't really be throwing more money at people...

but maybe a little.. just a little money... Okay have a little money. *Donates $1.00*

*sits back feeling cheap for giving only a dollar, Looks at bank balance...*

*And poor*


Lmao don't worry about it, support is optional. Just glad you liked the game. 


Anyone knows where the backyard's at?

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When you enter Lexi's Mansion it's the door that's straight ahead. (Middle of the room) That's only in the backers version though

Oh ok, thanks

You should make a place where you can look at all the characters

Hmm, not a bad idea


wheres the update its the 27th


Bro's that desperate lol


i just really liked the game and want to play the new version





I mean...aren't we all?

When your next update? It's already 2 monts


September 27th is the next update

How many routes are there in the ruins sidequest and is it possible to save everyone?

There's 2 main routes that have like 14-15 variations each. It is possible to save everyone in 1 route yep. In another route 1 person is guaranteed to get a bad end. 

Will there be more scenes with aurora in the next version?


I cant wiat for more scenes with Sapphire!!

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Is it normal that on fights i can only see the enemies attacking an empty space? im playing on android.

I mean... Is the combat supposed to look like in earthbound, in which you can only see the enemies and not yourself (because this is what i see).

Or is the combat supposed to look like final fantasy 6, in which you can see both the enemies and your character at the same time?


Nah what you're seeing is normal. I don't plan on adding sprites for player characters in combat. 

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It's alright. But it's the first time i play this game and i was confused when i saw the enemies attacking nothing, i thought i had a weird glitch (since i am playing on android and found no image of how the combat should look like) 😅

How about shrinking the portrait images a bit (the ones that show up on the menu, the full body ones) and placing then there? You wouldn't have to make a new sprite from the ground.

An alternative may be the player sprite itself, but i think that one might be too small.

I also noticed that you have some player sprites that are a bit larger... Those could be placed there, the size seems ok to be there.

I'm just throwing suggestions. But if you want to leave it like it is, that's ok too.


Could Taylor become one of the main characters like Olivia and Aurora in the future? He's pretty hot.


Sorry, his content's pretty much done with since the side-quest he's involved with has multiple endings. 


This is sad, I will miss Taylor, but the game is still amazing. 🥲👍🏻


how do I access Taylor’s side quests because whenever I speak to him in the library it says “not implemented” after he asks if I want to join them

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I could tell you, but to avoid saying something wrong and ruining your game, it's better to look here. 👇🏻

ID: 6 - A Forgotten Labrinth.

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Can Clara get a scene after being possessed by a male ghost? Actually, I think it's interesting because there are no milf characters here. Because it also says it is not implemented there . All hail milf🗿

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how do I access the events with Taylor? oh and how do I get the double possession scene?

When will it be updated?

September 27th is the next update

If you're reading the comments to see if you'll like this game, and you enjoy themes of hypnosis / mind control, possession, or corruption, than the answer is yes, you will love this game. Art's great, writing's great, beginnings of interesting lore, I had a great time.

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why are the eyes so strong lol

Lo he intentado todo no sé instala en Android.

Probablemente tu dispositivo no sea compatible 🤔

What are all the secret events? I'm missing an event and I can't think what it is


Here's the walkthrough!

Will there be futa on female content? Or the futa content will only be the first dungeon?


Possibly! Not every lewd scene/trap has been decided! I'd say it's more likely than not that something like that shows up by the end of the game.

Nice! I'm looking forward to seeing it. Thanks. ❤️

I'm at day 90 and have apparnelty unlocked all the events, but havent had the third dungeon triggered yet, is it not available yet?

Hey! The third dungeon hasn't been implemented yet, only a single trap has been implemented since it's an easter egg for another game.

Unable to trigger the next event on Monday with Victoria because she keeps making Emma miss Monday, is there a way to fix that?

Hey! I'll be fixing that in the next backers release, the possession logic kind of was dumb on my part. Anyways, if you can get her to possess you enough it'll solve itself in about 4-5 weeks or so. 

one question, i accidentally declined laura to come to her house (i played on a other save state the quest) and now i cant go there anymore, is the quest now  failed or can i shomehow trigger it again?

There is not, once you decline the request is closed. 

Im having an issue with the the game showing nothing but the stats and a black screen. I can open the menu but i don't think i can do anything.

having the same problem here! and i really dont want to start all over took me 3 hours to come that far :/

Is this with the slime boss fight? 

mine happened after going to the ruin the 2 time 

Ahhh, that's a glitch with the current version, it'll be fixed on the next release. 

It happened for me with the slime boss fight

this is tragic. I think I fixed it probably. We'll find out in the next release lol. 


Can you be a futa for the entire game?


That's not possible unfortunately. 

aw, that's unfortunate


Huge fan of the multiple possession scene, Slime possession was beautifully done. Especially in the bathroom with the side character. I was wondering if we could get a scene for the sewers "Sounding" slime but also perhaps an unbirth with Blue slime woman? I understand it takes tons of time and effort to do these things and I am by no means demanding anything of you. Just coming to you as an enthusiast, there is so little quality slime possession content like this and I just hope to see more in the future :)


Hey! Unfortunately I am having problems with the artist who was commissioned for the slime sounding scene which is why it has remained undone for so long. Hopefully I'm able to get it done soon. 

hello, I am having tons of fun playing your game, keep up the good work buddy.

Let me know if you need something, I will see what I can do.

Is there any way to rewatch the scenes?

In the memory room I believe once you hit a certain point in the game. It'll be a book next to the bed. There is a room that shows previously encountered NPCs.


Unfortunately that room is rather limited. I need to figure out a way to replay scenes to a fuller extent.

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1. got a question how do you beat the ruins?

2. stay updated for future patch notes? 

other than that THIS GAME IS AWESOME! look foward to see u finishing it!

Key Note: I noticed also with the mission tab, i i did the right route on the mission but the second part is not turning green for example in Ghost Possesion house with her Mother. Her mother got possesed and i believe that is the best option but it did not turn green complete in the quest tab. that is all. THANK YOU!

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1. The ruins can be beaten by proceeding through any of the routes. 

2. All patch notes are visible on my Patreon and this game's page under the Dev Log section. 

3. Not saving Laura results in a failure, likewise so does letting her Mother get possessed. 


What do you mean? Wouldn't let the mother get possessed gets us $1000 for the soul fragment treatment?

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There's not enough good slime/slime girl possession content out there, and animated scenes of this are rare as diamonds, glad to see it well implemented here. 

Just a heads up, found a bug, if you activate the mansion mission, but never set foot in the mansion, yet try to continue Sapphire's story arc on that monday evening after beating the sewer dungeon, the double possession Victoria scene will play where she asks you to introduce her to sapphire even though you've never met Victoria. 

Great scene even if I'd like to see it animated one day, but it didn't make sense since I hadn't actually entered the mansion and Emma hadn't met her yet.


Ah yes, I need to fix that, thanks for reminding me. 

Glad you're enjoying the game! 


idk what it is but im on a Google Pixal 7A phone but when i lose to the slime boss dummy i get to my apartment again but the game leaves it black screened like this. dont know if it is the version i downloaded the apk one not the touch android one should i try the touch one? 

Yeah this is weird, I don't know what's causing this. It doesn't seem to be universal. I'll look into it.

Sounds good i even sat there for one minute and nothing changed still kept being a black screen. Glad that i let you know incase its a bug you can possibly fix. 🙂

good game so far, i wonder if the corruption stat actually does anything right now...


Is there any cheats for mobile 


I want to take a moment to commend the outstanding work of city of secrets is interesting history and gameplay the good.I wish I could translate your game.
It's a shame it isn't in other languages,but, I wish I could translate your game, for free (I don't care about the payment, just the experience lol).


Heya, coming with a question, where would the save files be located on Android? I spent some time digging around but couldnt seem to find them to transfer them over.


Hey! Sorry, I'm not too sure tbh. I don't think you can transfer your save files from android to another OS though. 


Thanks for the reply, its fine, might just have to go anew but its not for another OS just trying to transfer between 2 android phones apparently android likes to throw a fuss when it comes to internal files.

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