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So when is the next update


The next update is the last Friday of May which is May 31st. 


On the Android version, it only shows a black window when clicking on the log button


Yeah unfortunately the log doesn't work on Android. I think it's something about where the log memory is stored in the file system but I'm not sure. 


I made a mistake in the quest a haunted house. Is there a way to fix this?


Unfortunately not really, unless you saved beforehand you're kind of locked in. 

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I don't know what changed but the weird glitch is not happaning again so yay

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.-. oh that's weird, maybe try reloading? I haven't heard of this happening before tbh. 


I tried again and I was clicking and I managed to not get suck somehow, I am going to save and see if that made a difference


How to beat two monsters in flesh dungeon?


Training your stats in the gym would probably be the best way. 


I cant move from start


Adjust your Android Phone Screen Zoom to normal. It should be in your normal Phone Settings. 

If you don't want to adjust the zoom, the Android_Touch version is another alternative that allows you to play without the buttons on the screen. 


Is it planned for the fetish statuses to have an effect outside of their dungeon of origin? For example, Futa Worshipper currently is purely decorative once you finish Dungeon 1, since there aren't any futas in the real world for it to levy the penalty against.

I suppose it is limited by the fact that if you don't get a fetish during the dungeon you cannot go back and try again without reloading.


It is! At the moment it's not a major content focus, but any content revolving around those kinks will be affected. 

I just need to implement it first...


hey when you do updates its deletes all my progresion is there a way to go easyer way.


So what's going to happen with sapphire


Her storyline shall continue! You'll have to play to see it :P


Ok thanks and keep up the great work I love playing your game 


What does soul fragmentation do when it reaches 100 btw? I would try it myself, but it'd take a while for it to occur, so it'd be difficult to see. or at least it'd take a while. also, when will corruption level 2 be a thing? or at least, when is it planned to be added.


Soul Fragmentation reaching 100 causes a bad ending. It's nothing much really. 

Corruption Level 2 is a ways off. It probably won't be added for at least 6-8 months at minimum.


Will there or is there a guide for events and stuff? like there are some I would like to figure out, but like some are probably somewhat difficult to figure out. either way, a guide could be useful.


There's a walkthrough already! Here it is:

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Hello, some of the seggs scene are in black example are those in flesh tunnel

those are just ones that aren’t complete yet xD


Hey can anyone tell me what was added in this update?


so sapphire it saids have a shower in the morning is it a specific morning? cause nothing happens


It would have to be a morning during the week.


nothing happens i got no hearts and she's in the bathroom but ive tried every day in the morning and nothing happens 


are you playing the backers version? She only has an event in the backers version. 


okay so here was the problem i found, when i would return to fight the boss in the second dungeon after already losing, when i try to fight the second time i'm unable to interact with or fight her and i'm basically stuck unless i restart from past save and fight her from the beginning all over again.


Ah, this bug will be fixed in a future release! Thank you for pointing it out.


Are all  the new secret events  and quest on the walk-through?




Although the content of this update is not too much, it is still good. Do I need to play the Added Dungeon 1 Slime Gloryhole CG again to obtain it? Old saves cannot be obtained, and I hope the author can complete the existing CG in the Soul Room (i.e. the book on the bed). However, I still hope that the author can see all the CG in the current version in the Soul Room every time the update is completed.


Known bugs include full body tight clothing (white monsters) and physical clothing (red clothes) in subway dungeons, no CG, and no new branch lines that have not been discovered yet.


will we get an update this friday?




awesome can't wait for the update


Why don't you give me a change of clothes at home, I like this game


xD, I guess I could have given her pajamas. 


what does soul imprint mean? 


It's a status effect indicating that you have a suggestion ingrained into your psyche. Basically means you're compelled to listen to it like you're the one thinking it. 


I have a question, how do I transfer save from a older version to the current public version?


You should be able to just take the save folder and move it into your new download.

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How long will the next version be updated? I really like this theme of the game and hope that the next version can interact with slime girls for daily or more tasks.


The game is updated on the last Friday of every month!


Okay, looking forward to your future updates.


Enjoying this game a lot so far! A feature I'd enjoy would be being able to select/mouse over the "Current Effects" in the status screen to get a description of each one. I just think it would be fun/hot. Keep up the good work!


How do I access this in the abandoned mansion place? 


Hey! Sorry a bit late, that's a glitch that exists on the Android public version. It can be resolved by going back to an earlier save before you entered the room. Then make sure not to leave the room after you entered it and interact with the circle. 


very interesting game , in interested to see what direction it goes


Will there be impreg?


Most likely not


Fair enough!

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What are the site quests related to Victoria?


There's only 1 side quest in the game at the moment which is the "Haunted House". This side-quest just has different possible endings if you are possessed by Victoria or not when you enter her house. 

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I have a question, my game crashed after receiving the first soul fragmentation, and I was wondering if there was a way to fix it. Its an all black screen and if i try to go to events or skills it crashes.


Hmm I'm not entirely sure, I would need more information to debug this. Is this happening on the Android version by chance? 


The artwork is best part for me, i love the chars )


I am on the second dungeon and  have got past the two watchers fight, when I progress through the corridor and get to the arrows it says "not implemented" what should I do?

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Interact with the metal door that's blocking the way. (Should be able to click on it.)


So just out of curiously. I went back to a previous save when the Haunted House quest wasn't done because of the update. When I collected all the bags and then slept it gave me the option to either refuse or help the ghost possess Laura, but it said I need 50 Corr. I assume that Corruption, so in the current new build is there anyway to access that option or is it a future plan?
-Love the update so far though^^


Hello! The 50 Corruption option is implemented script wise; however, you cannot get 50 corruption at the moment so it's unreachable unless you cheat. 

In the future it will be accessible! 


Figured as much. But wouldn't hurt to ask anyways.
Hope to see that soon, be interesting to see how different the interactions would be at that option~


Hey big man any news?


i have a question, how can we unlock the secret events


Here's a walkthrough :D


thank you, you the best


I cant move when i start the game im stuck at the mirror


There are two ways you can fix this:

1. Modify your Phone's Screen Zoom in the Settings to the normal value.

2. Download the _Touch android version instead. 

I don't know how to install touch android version


question:How can I raise the level of corruption?


Getting caught in traps in Dungeons is one way. Corruption also increases naturally once a week. 



question: what events do i have to do to progress into chapter 2? i have defeated the slime boss


You have to wait 1 week after beating dungeon 1, as well as complete 3 Victoria and Olivia events. 


An update! did you fix the mac problem yet?


YES! You added the nwjs helpers! Although I had to make them executable, I still got the game working!

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Hey! are the newer mac versions working for you? I'm trying to change files to executables in the new version of the game and its still not working :(


Is anyone going to write an updated walkthrough on how to pass levels in the game?

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