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how do I get past the tower of slimes in the second floor if the dungeon?


You have to interact with the metal door that blocks your path. 


Is their a way to see what the effects do? I haven't played for a couple weeks and it says i have been "soul imprinted" with no description on what that means.


Some effects don't have descriptions, so outside of the Status Labels and if they are given as a special passive ability there's no way to see what they do. 


How can i get more than 28 corruption?


You can't yet. It's not implemented in the current version. 




I'm waiting for the new story dungeon content and I really like this game. I hope you will release it on Steam and add other languages.

(3 edits) (+1)

I have a question, how do I unlock the second dungeon? I am stuck atp and I still have some events/lewd events to do but idk what to do.

After being filmed in the bathroom how I was masturbating, the story just doesn't progress anymore and I don't know why .

Any help please?

I still have to do Olivia, Victoria and Sapphire.

I'm not sure if there's someone else because I only have Aurora but I finished her story line atm.


Wait how do you get filmed in bathroom?


Huh so i realised that i lost some chunk of the content while playing… Well that means i will play again then.


It's the part when you do the counselor storyline, she puts you to masturbate in the bathroom and her daughter enters the bathroom and she takes some photos amd a video 


iirc you gotta do study sessions with your best friend. Eventually you invite her to your house.


I already did that part, idk what should I do.


W game

(2 edits) (+2)

The city of secrets is Awesome! 😎👍 I waited long enough for more rpg maker made games with themes of corruption and just accidentally stumbled upon it while searching for more games to play. I liked it a lot but i also want to say some things i would want to see in the future:

1: i want all those black screen Hscene to be fully animated (which will probably happen even without asking)

2: i want to see Emma to commit more degeneracy by herself without need of others like having sex with students or doing gloryhole in school toilets.

3: some Victoria night possession walks where she goes around city in clothes or butt nake and whore her/ourself out for free or money.

4: i want those soul sessions prices to be cut in half cause making money at the restaurant is tedious work… Unless… You planning to expand the city and add more “special jobs”😏 for Emma to do then alright, but if not pls aleast make 750 minimum.

5: fix the bear in touch screen ver. For some reason the buttons dose not move so you can click only on 1 option. And that’s it.




Where is Dungeon 2


Olivia and Victoria Events 3 have to be completed. After completing Dungeon 1 you also have to wait 7 days. 

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how do i make it so Victoria doesnt possess Emma at monday morning? cuz like i still need to visit Olivia at monday morning and it seems that i am kinda soft locked now that i have maxed Victoria relationship (update: the wording in guide bear said that its monday morning but actually i just needed to go monday-tuesday morning) 

Tried going Tuesday and it went by without triggering the event after vic made Emma miss Monday, is there a trick to it?

Honestly no idea


Is there going to be a futa x femboy?


Maybe, not all future scenes are planned out exactly. Only the overarching dungeons (main story) are. 


I encountered a bug when i second go to ruin'quest, entire screen was black but the menu could be opened


Hey! This is a bug that has been fixed. The ruins aren't supposed to be accessible after completing the side-quest. Apologies! 


What's the side quest?


how do you upgrade your corruption?


Whats the correct path for the ruins with and without emma?

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Centre, Left, Centre, Right, Left. On Angela's route you can't save Taylor, and on Emma's route you can't save Angela.

Not sure if you're meant to be able to save Angela on Emma's route, though. No matter what exit I choose she appears in the final chamber, and her dialogue is the same as greeting her outside the ruins even if you wait for the question mark to pop up.


Do you know the rout where they are all possessed


just time them out, do nothing. Dont talk to them, they are affected by the mental control from the ruins and leave by themselves and get possessed.


When's the update?


Is the update ready ?? 👀


when is the release going to be?


Hey man any updates anytime soon?


give it like a week. Dev swapped from Monthly Updates to Bi-Monthly (every two months). And thats  roughly a week or so from now for the next planned release


The next update is on July 26th. (This Friday)




Wow nice!


where's the science tower the girl at the front of the school is talking about i'm trying to get my paper up

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The Science Tower doesn't exist atm


Hmm, i seem to have a bug where emma dont show up in the battle screens, is that normal?


That is normal yep


I don't know why, but on the android version, i can't even move the character on the first scene of the game.


That's a glitch. You need to set your phones zoom to normal for the touch controls to work. Otherwise download the _Touch version of the game. 


How often is there futa content?


It's the first dungeon


So this will have bad ends


Each Dungeon will have a bad end. Then there will be a few bad endings based on certain stats and character path progressions. 


I sponsored Patreon, but I can't download the sponsor version of the game. Did you delete the file by any chance? The sponsor version game was also not registered on your itch page. What should I do?


The Patreon version is still up, nothing was deleted on my end. As long as your itch account is connected to the patreon account and you click the link that's in the post you should be able to access it. 


what fetishes are in and what fetishes are planned?


Possession, Corruption, and Transformation fetishes are the main ones. So stuff along the lines of Ghost Possession, Slime Possession, Lesbian Domination, Skinsuit, Mind Control, etc. are in the game. 

As for the planned fetishes that's a bit of a spoiler, but each of the dungeons I have planned focus on a unique kink/fetish. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Everything is fine in this game. However, I would like to note that in many scenes there are not enough animations or pictures, there are a lot of bugs and there is not enough Russian, there are wonderful arts, a cool plot, respect for the developer, but I can't get rid of the idea that half of the game in the first act was still stolen, not to mention the rest, in any case, I like the project and I will continue to follow him, thank you for not abandoning the project.
I would also like to see this game on Boosty, to support the author and the current version of the game

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

There's not any Russian in the game so I'm a bit lost what you're talking about lol. And what do you mean stolen? The game's plot is done by me, the writing is done by me, the art is commissioned by me, and the game is coded by me (excluded plugins) so nothing is stolen, unless I'm misunderstanding what you meant. 


I rather spoke the wrong way, I apologize for the misunderstanding, I meant the language about Russian, but about the stolen fragments of the game, there are not enough events, including repetitive ones, maybe I misunderstood the game or it will be implemented in the future, anyway thanks for the answer)


I got a question is the ghost girl going to fully possess the main character if so is it in the game or are you going to do that


It depends on what you mean by full possession. If you mean at some point she'll just completely steal her life probably not. 


Aw, so no bad endings then? Cause it seemed like that was what was being set up. She didn't know enough about Emma's life to be her full time, so she has to let Emma retake the helm and observe for awhile.

She doesn't know Emma's name, then she convinces Emma to tell her it. She learns where Emma's house is. Then she attends class as Emma, getting used to modern society. Then she takes over Emma for her swim practice.

It seemed like she was learning everything to eventually just replace Emma. NGL, would love to see it.


So- i got to the end of the second dungeon- i failed, came back better equipped- and it wouldn't initiate the bullet hell sequence.


Hey! That's a glitch in the current public version, it'll be fixed in the next release!




A temporary solution is to spam interact while walking down the middle of the hallway and it will trigger the boss fight again



Hello bro, Approximately how long until the game ends? I mean where in the story could you say we are going so far? Halfway through the story or is there still a long way to go to finish the story of the game? PS: What a great game you are making, it is one of the best I have played 


The game has 7 dungeons planned. At this point in development I'd say the game is about 25% done. I'm hoping to finish the rest of the game within 2-3 years as I have other projects I'd like to work on afterwards.

I'm glad you've liked the game so far! 


Nice bro, it's good to know that there is still a lot of content for the game and I hope that your next projects continue as well or better if possible. 🫶🏻


The Girl that wants her soul fragment things in the mind room only says "Ugh..." Rn, is there not a third dungeon atm?

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It is not, the 3rd dungeon thing is a single trap that will be in the 3rd dungeon. It's an easter egg towards the main game that inspired me to create my game. I was eager to add it so I worked on it ahead of time. 


Mage Kanade's Futanari Dungeon Quest, right? Love that game

Keep it up!

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Isn't the update today or when is the next update 


Updates were switched to bi-monthly. Next Update is July 26th.


why from monthly to bi-monthly? whats the difference just curious love the game btw


It just allows me to get more content into the game and not be as stressed about each deadline. It also lets me release the content in a more finished state since I have more time to work on it. It also allows the artists I work with more leeway to avoid stressing them out more as well. 

Recently I feel my content quality has suffered as I'm kind of rushing to get everything implemented every month. There's no real difference in the amount of content, but I guess it'll go down slightly in the end. Quality should be higher and more polished though 


ohhh alright yeah that makes more sense now haha well I dont mind waiting just confused by what it meant thats all take all the time you guys need :)


Question will there be more transformations implemented later updates for both futa and normal emma and are some going to be permanently for an ending or semi-permanent

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I'm a bit confused with the question. Are you asking if there will there be more content where Emma is transformed into a futanari? 


for both Emma you play out of dungeons and Emma in dungeons (futanari) will there be more content of perm or semi perm transformations you can play as later on in development?


Yeppers, each dungeon will have a unique transformation or kink focus. Outside of the dungeons there will be no permanent transformations as it's too expensive and a hassle to implement. 


Also will the be bad ends that are playable cause that sounds fun


How is a person going to be able to face a slime that attacks first? And there's another thing, he has 195 health, he has an attack advantage and takes more than half of his life in a single attack.


Grind levels and work out, spam  +max hp

Also your blast scroll will do 100 dmg if you wanna use it 


Is thier a way to lower willpower before entering the second floor in the first dungeon?


Ya go to the shop there is a  item that you can buy that will lower your will power

Deleted 186 days ago

There is not, the mansion quest is linear. The Haunted House is a side-quest though so I can do multiple unique endings for it. 


Is there a way i can cheat in mobile? 

Or what is the name of the save file on android?


Not that I'm aware of. Apologies, I'm not too familiar with the dev environment for android. 


Okay thats fine lol, i figured out that working defense stat is basically cheating. 

Is there currently only two dungeons in the game? Because the soul girly thing only says Ugh... Rn


In the abandoned mansion part, there's an optional doll as a hint, can you tell me exactly what it means? I don't know the difference between taking the doll with me or not.


The Doll increases Victoria's compatibility with your body and will move up how often she possesses you. It also gives a small scene if you interact with it in your apartment. 

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